A shepherd's hut was a 19th and 20th century forerunner to today's RV. These huts were used by shepherds during sheep raising and lambing. They were also used while moving flocks around for "natural fertilizer" purposes. Shepherd's huts often had iron wheels and corrugated iron tops. Sometimes the sides were also made of corrugated iron. One story depicts Wally Byam, manufacturer of Airstream trailers, as living in a similar contrivance at some period during his youth.
The shepherd's hut was a kitchen, dining room, bedroom, sitting room and storeroom all rolled into one. The designs vary but all were constructed to provide the shepherd with practical and durable accommodation. The old huts had a stove in one corner for warmth and cooking, and a window on each side so the shepherd could see the flock. A hinged stable door, which was always positioned away from the prevailing wind, enabled him to hear the flock, and strong axles with cast iron wheels were used to withstand the constant movement from field to field. [1]
New versions are now being made by a number of companies to be used as garden rooms, for example.[2]